Pastors William & Lucille Lau gave up the American Dream in 1978 to go to Indonesian Borneo (West Kalimantan) by faith as missionaries to preach the gospel to people in primitive regions who had never heard the gospel. At that time William was a new believer who had no training for missions, no mission board to send him and Lucille, no financial support from any church, and no invitation from any church or organization in Indonesia. But over nearly nine years of ministry in Indonesia, they planted churches in unreached regions and brought hundreds of souls to Christ.
After returning to the America in 1987, they planted and pastored churches in New York City and in Houston, Texas.
In 2000 they founded The Elijah Challenge. Since then they have trained tens of thousands of servants of God and workers in 50 countries (including a dozen nations in Africa) on six continents of the world how to preach the gospel just as Jesus did as recorded in the Bible. Specifically, they train disciples how to heal the sick miraculously in Jesus’ name as irrefutable evidence to non-believers that Jesus is the Messiah.